Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

Yoghurt Facts

Yoghurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk which acts on milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang.
The earliest yoghurts were probably spontaneously fermented by wild bacteria living on the goat skin bags carried by the Bulgars (or Hunno-Bulgars), a nomadic people who began migrating into Europe in the 2nd century AD and eventually settled in the Balkans at the end of the 7th century.

Yoghurt is made by introducing specific bacteria strains into milk, which is subsequently fermented under controlled temperatures and environmental conditions. The bacteria ingest natural milk sugars and release lactic acid as a waste product. The increased acidity causes milk proteins to tangle into a solid mass (curd in a process called denaturation). The increased acidity (pH=4–5) also prevents the proliferation of potentially pathogenic bacteria.

In most countries, a product may be called yoghurt only if live bacteria are present in the final product. In the U.S., non-pasteurised yoghurt can be marketed as "live" or containing "live active culture". Pasteurised products, which have no living bacteria, are called fermented milk (drink).

(Source: Wikipedia)


  • Yoghurt contain all milk nutritions
  • Yoghurt is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including B-12.
  • The lactobacillus in yoghurt feeds the intestines, maximizes nutrients you can absorb into your body, insures the digestive system stays healthy, and stabilizes the immune system. Yoghurt has strong medicinal properties, including the ability to stimulate the immune system and kill bad "bugs" or bacteria in the human gut.
    The secret to good yoghurt is that it contains live cultures, there are four major strains of bacteria to look for: L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, and bifidobacteria. There are good brands of yoghurt available check the label to make sure it specifies active cultures. Frozen yoghurt is not the same product and will not yield the same health benefits; even if they specify live cultures they will have only a fraction of the beneficial bacteria of fresh yoghurt and they will not enhance lactose tolerance.
  • Lactose in milk is converted by Yogurt's bacteria into lactic acid which helps digest lactose or dairy products.
  • The lactic acid of yoghurt is a perfect medium to maximize calcium absorption, which is 25% more calcium than you would get out of a glass of milk.
  • Research shows women who drink 4 cups of yoghurt/week have less vaginal and bladder infections.
  • Yoghurt can be used as an effective douche.
  • Yoghurt gives you the anti-ageing benefits.

So, What are you waiting for? Drink Yoghurt everyday from now on!

Rabu, 09 April 2008



Vi & Fi (dibaca: 'Vi and Fi') Yoghurt adalah minuman kesehatan yang terbuat dari fermentasi susu sapi - Susu adalah penyempurna kebutuhan Gizi, Protein, dan Vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh manusia - sehingga rasanya menjadi asam. Rasa asam ini disebabkan adanya Asam Laktat (Lactate Acid) - Asam Laktat sangat bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan luka-luka didalam alat pencernaan manusia - yang dihasilkan dari proses yang dilakukan oleh bakteri-bakteri positif (Lactobasillus dan Streptococcus), bukan dari penambahan bahan pengasam seperti Asam Sitrat/Limau (Citric Acid), Garam Cuka (Acetate), atau yang lainnya.

Yoghurt yang bagus, alami, dan TANPA PENGAWET, dapat mencegah dan menyembuhkan gangguan kesehatan, seperti:

  1. Gangguan pencernaan seperti maag, asam lambung tinggi, dan lain-lain.

  2. Mencegah kanker usus.

  3. Hypertensi, Kolesterol, Trigliserid yang tinggi.

  4. Membersihkan tubuh dan sisa bahan kimia yang terdapat pada makanan olahan.

  5. Menguatkan gigi dan tulang, serta mencegah Osteoporosis/pengeroposan tulang. (Menurut para ahli, pengobatan dan pencegahan yang paling bagus adalah dengan mengkonsumsi susu secara teratur dan olahannya, karena kalsiumnya yang dapat langsung diserap dengan baik oleh tubuh).

  6. Mengurai Lemak Makanan, Lemak Tubuh, dan Lemak Perut.

  7. Mencerahkan, membersihkan, menghaluskan, serta mengencangkan kulit muka dan kulit tubuh (selain dikonsumsi, juga digunakan sebagai masker*).

  8. Menumbuhkan dan menyuburkan rambut (selain dikonsumsi, juga digunakan sebagai bahan creambath*).
Dan masih banyak lagi manfaat dan kegunaan yoghurt bagi kesehatan manusia.

Vi & Fi adalah yoghurt alami yang dibuat dari susu sapi dan bahan-bahan pilihan lainnya, diolah secara tradisional, TANPA PENGAWET dan BAHAN KIMIA BERBAHAYA lainnya, sehingga menjadi yoghurt yang paling tepat untuk KESEHATAN, KECANTIKAN, dan DIET anda sekeluarga.

* Dengan yoghurt yang PLAIN/NATURAL.


Vi & Fi Yoghurt telah mendapat izin dari BPOM RI.

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